An update 6 2 13

It’s been a while again since I’ve posted, so I am taking the quick way out and copying a response I put on Facebook when dear friend Brenda asked how I was doing.

Hi, Brenda — thank you, you doll! I actually have been having a pretty rough time lately. The effects of chemo are all just piling up and I’ve been pretty sick more often. Saw the doc on Thu and she was encouraging me to spend more time at home if I can, and I can. I spoke to my boss yesterday and I will take a lot of time off in June and only work on Weds and Fridays all month. I had a CT scan a couple weeks ago that showed an enlarged lymph node (but only 1 cm) near my aorta, but the CA-125 blood cancer marker is still at an excellent 4, so the doc does not think there’s any reason to think the node is cancerous. All the nodes she sampled during surgery did not contain cancerous cells. So, that’s good news; it’s probably just inflammation. I will have another CT in a few weeks and we’ll compare. The BIG, good news is that I only have 5 more chemo treatments!!!! My last one will be on July 5th. After that, I will still go to the clinic every 3 weeks for the infusion of the clinical trial med (until March), but that is not chemo per se and will not make me sick. It’s been rougher, but now that I have an end date in sight, it is encouraging. It’s ok to pass all this along to all; please do. Thanks so much for touching base and for the continued prayers!! Much love and hugs to each of you! — g

2 thoughts on “An update 6 2 13

  1. Linda Cristel

    Oh sweet Gretchen…it’s so good to hear
    from you!
    I’m sorry you’ve been feeling so lousy from the effects of the chemo.
    I really hope you start to feel better soon.
    Good news too about the lymph nodes.
    Before you know it July 5 will be here and
    then you can regain your strength!!!!
    Take care and rest.
    You are always on my mind and in my prayers.
    Love and hugs to you!

  2. Donita

    Gretchen, so sorry to hear you’re not feeling well and am glad you’re able to take time off and rest. July 5th is coming really fast 🙂 You’re in my prayers. Donita


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