Goodbye to my hair 3 15 13

hair locks and blobs 3 15 13 005

It’s really coming out now. Last night was rough. Leah and I both cried – a lot – as she brushed my hair and it filled the brush so quickly. Then I had her bundle up a couple of sections in the back so that they could be cut off to keep. I do like my hair; it’s so soft, and while it may sound weird to some, it is important to me to have some to keep so that I will just be able to touch it from time to time.

My Leah does not cry easily or often, very unlike her mother. But last night was huge for us. Important tears to shed. We lay in the bed together a long time and for a while now and then, she’d stroke my hair, smoothing it away from my face at the temples and forehead, like I love. My mother always used to do that when I was a girl, when I was sad, sick, sleepy, or just cuddling. In fact, I had my friend Cathy do the same thing for me when she was one of my two labor coaches when Leah was being born. Debbie was the other who’d gone through all the birthing classes with me, but Leah came so quickly that poor Deb didn’t get her turn in the delivery room! Anyway, it’s a calming, loving thing for me, and Leah is well aware of that and touched my hair a lot as we lay there. I told her I wished there was some way to bottle up that sensation, as stroking a bare head is not going to be the same. But, it will come back some day.

Meantime, I have my couple of beautiful locks preserved here that will go into a keepsake box. The blobs of hair that came out of the brush will go out onto the deck, as Chris reminded me that birds apparently like to have it for their nests. Circle of life and all that, y’know. šŸ™‚

9 thoughts on “Goodbye to my hair 3 15 13

  1. Joyce Glazebrook

    So sorry about your rough night. God bless the both of you for getting through it together. Know that these rough patches will bring better healthier times ahead. Your beautiful hair will shine again! You are amazing!

  2. Joy Helms

    Oh, yes, our “manes” are such a big thing to us. I’m a leo..lion…mane…well, enough said. God bless your sweet Leah..did I spell that right, hope so. The bond growing between you two is so precious for both of you…and is life experience for Leah that will mold her into such a compassionate and wise woman. Keep doing what you’re doing, experience every emotion and gratitude every day. We’re here with you, pretty woman. And love you.

  3. Linda Cristel

    Oh my dear friend. I understand your sadness. You do have beautiful hair that crowns your beautiful face.
    What a loving daughter you have. There right by your side to also wipe your tears away.
    But she will also be there… Right by her sweet Mommas side when your hair returns. And then there will be tears of happiness to share.
    You are in my prayers Gretchen. And Leah too that God comforts you both with his love and healing powers.
    Spring is coming and those little birds you so lovingly shared your locks with will have a home made with love.
    And you watch and see…. That soft hair will return…. Even more soft … For Leah to brush again!!!
    Love sent your way always!

  4. janstl

    Such a touching night for you. I totally get the idea of keeping some hair in a bundle, when Mandy died, I cut some of her hair because it was so soft and I remember thinking I was going to miss it and wanted some to have. I am so happy for you to have Leah living with you and going through this with you, as well as your sisters. it seems like it is becoming rarer and rarer that family stays in touch with each other much less spend time with each other and I am so happy that you do have that connection with all your family. Once Kayla and I both get over with what we share we want to come visit.


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